Q: Why should I join the PTA? What is in it for me?
A: There are many advantages to joining and volunteering for the Byron Kibler PTA. Here are a few:
· A sense of accomplishment for helping with your child’s educational experience.
· Opportunity to make new friends in the community that has children that go to school with yours. You also get to interact with teachers and other school staff.
· Use of your abilities. Maybe your passion is art, but your day job is computers. The PTA has an art program that will allow you to spend time doing something you love while volunteering to help your children’s school.
· PTA membership provides discounts at companies such as Barnes and Noble, AIG insurance, Southwest Airlines, and T-Mobile (to name a few)
· Recognition for your hard work and appreciation from others.
· Volunteer experience looks great on a resume
Q: How can I find out about upcoming events?
A: There are several ways to find out about upcoming events. We send home a monthly newsletter that lists our upcoming events. You can also log on to our PTA web site, byronkiblerpta.synthasite.com for updates, date changes and contact persons for each PTA event. We also have a Facebook page. If you become a fan of the Byron Kibler PTA Facebook page, you can get regular updates with our PTA events. Finally, check your backpacks! We try to publicize each event with at least one flyer. With a little effort, you will know everything that your PTA is up to!
Q: How do I get involved?
A: If you would like to get involved you just need to pick up the phone TODAY and call any one of our Chair People or Board Members, or send us an e-mail at Byronkiblerpta@yahoo.com. We would LOVE to meet each and every one of you, and to have your energy and ideas. We have big jobs, little jobs, easy jobs, quiet jobs, long-term jobs, one-shot jobs, FUN jobs – so CALL or e-mail us!
Q: Are there other ways I can be supporting the PTA?
A: Yes! Please check our website’s “Rebates” page. There, you’ll find ways to help your school and your PTA that cost you nothing! Are you collecting BoxTops? Is your Target Visa linked to the BB Donation Page? Have you signed up for E-script through Safeway? All of these are no-cost ways to support your school and your PTA with the things you do every day. The best part is THERE IS NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU!
Suggest a question for the Q&A by sending an e-mail to: byronkiblerpta@yahoo.com