Welcome new and existing members! We are so excited that you are joining Kibler PTA. We appreciate the support you have given us over the years. We have brought many fun and educational programs to Kibler with your support.
We will continue to do more assemblies, theater performances as well as offer support to our wonderful staff.
Our goal this year is to have 110 members. We hope that if you have not already joined, you will consider becoming a member. It is easy. There are envelopes on the rack near the main office. Just fill it out with your $10 and we will send you a membership card through kid mail at school.
What does a PTA member receive by becoming a member?
- Parent Help- networking with other parents is a helpful resource.
- Leadership Development- access to publications and classes at regional and statewide conferences.
- Representation- a state level voice to the legislature and on committees addressing public policy issues affecting families and children.
- Communications- access to The Child Advocate magazine, Key Communicator Newsletter, and PTA resources for parents.
- Valuable discounts from businesses like Barnes and Noble, Liberty Mutual, Southwest Airlines, and T-Mobile
If you are interested in joining the PTA please contact us at ByronKiblerPTA@yahoo.com